Our Mission

It is clear beyond any doubt that the survival of the human race depends upon the survival of the forests and other natural resources and of the animals with whom we share this planet. We pledge to protect all of them. We oppose the introduction of animal genes into human beings and the genetic manipulation of animals and plants.
The human race will reach the pinnacle of civilisation when it extends the hand of friendship and compassion to the animal kingdom and returns to the healthy plant-based diet best suited to the moral and physical needs of our species, thus avoiding the related evils of animal exploitation, human starvation and environmental destruction.
At the close of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, let us make a tryst with destiny to create a world free of violence towards all living beings who are dependent on our love and compassion. Together let us embark on that long journey which will bring about a world in which all animals are treated with compassion and mercy and accorded rights that human beings take for granted.
Letters to the Editor
Read latest Articles and Letters, here
Read our latest Newsletter, Issue 61 published July 2018, here
Latest News
Jain Animal Sanctuary donations: August 2024 to September 2024 - Read details here
Mahaveer Award
This year's Mahaveer Award was presented to Heather Mills" - Details in the News section.
Supreme Master Television -
Featuring Young Indian VegetariansVEGMAS Pledge
Click below to take the Christmas Vegan/Vegetarian Pledge
Stop Using Milk in Temples and Homes
The use of milk in religious ceremonies has to stop at our temples and homes, as immense cruelty is involved in milk production.
Cows are impregnated artificially. The calf is separated immediately from the mother. If a male calf is born it is killed or raised for beef.
After three impregnations the cow is worn out and slaughtered and the meat used for pet food. Under pressure to produce a maximum amount of milk,
the cow is pushed to her limit and suffers from swollen udders, arthritis, mastitis and many other ailments. Pus from the cow and blood cells mix with the milk.
How can it be right to use milk produced in such cruelty to be used in the worship of God?
We Pledge that Milk will no longer be used at our Temple or Home.
We will use Soy milk, Almond milk or any other alternative.
Take the Vegetarian
Organisations - Pledge that no meat, fish or eggs will be served at any of our events.
Individual - Pledge to abstain from meat fish and eggs and not serve them to anyone.
Prayers for the safety of Jain Monks and Nuns
Jain Monks and Nuns travel by foot to different parts of India. There have many accidents involving passing vehicles in which the Monks and Nuns have died. If you agree to do the prayers please sign your name, country and email at the pledge link below.
Recommended Book: Cooking
at home with Pedatha
Awarded 'Best Vegetarian Cookbook in the World'
2006 by Gourmand World Cookbook Awards
"This book is very special, with excellent text, world class photography, clever design, with a focus on local recipes: those are all the ingredients needed to make one of the best cookbooks in the world!"
(The Gourmand Yearbook 2007)
Download the Vegan Society's Healthy Eating booklet
Contact Information
Communicate! Do you have any comments? We would like to hear from you. Please
use the details below, write to us or email us with anything which you feel may be of interest.
- Telephone:-(044) 020 8681 8884
- Postal address:-226 London Road, Croydon, CR0 2TF
- E-mail:- animalahimsa@gmail.com
- Fax:- (044) 020 8681 7143